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Full Bloom Winter Rehab: Perfect Pedicure Picks For Spring

Allow your tootsies to come out of hibernation with these springtime toenail pick-me-ups featuring colors from today’s hottest nail polish lines.

Woman Sitting On A Ledge Holding Her High Heels

Rise and shine, little feeties! After months of being cozy in winter boots and socks, it’s time to wake up and make your spring debut. Whether you’re headed abroad for an adventurous spring break or perhaps just into a pair of sexy spring sandals for a romp around town, these pedicure picks will have you ready for the blossoming season ahead. 

Bright Rainbow Pedicure and Manicure

Rainbow POP

Springtime manicures and pedicures are usually quite colorful, but using multi-colored bursts of bright hued polishes on your nails gives the word colorful a whole new meaning! 

Polish Picks

Yellow and Grey Nail Polish

Come Rain and Shine 

Play with the dichotomy of the season by trying a modern twist on French pedicure that gives you a pastel yellow base with silver or gray tips reminiscent of a watering can. 

Polish Picks


Toes Painted Shades Of Green In A Field Of Yellow Flowers

Lean, Mean, Green Machine

Your mani/pedi can match the new green leaves sprouting up around you simply by showcasing two or three shades of the unexpected pedicure color — from bright greens to pastel greens — which gives your toes a "leaves shimmering in the breeze" ombre look.

Polish Picks


Woman Wearing Blue Toenail Polish At The Beach

Singing The Blues

While it’s generally a winter or summer color, a shade of blue can work just as well for a springtime mani or pedi. Think blue skies, lakes, seafoam and rain puddles, people!

Polish Picks

Green and Yellow Jeweled Pedicure

Bon Voyage, Boredom

Anchor your springtime pops of nail color with a couple of can’t-miss embellishments like rhinestones or jewels. It’s a perfect way to give your tootsies a post-wintertime bit of sparkle in their spring sandals. 

Polish Picks

Anything! The sky is the limit, with whatever you or your nail salon or spa has on hand (or, in this case, foot)!

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Articles having medical content shall serve exclusively for the purpose of general information. Such articles are not suitable for any (self-) diagnosis and treatment of individual illnesses and medical indications. In particular, they cannot substitute for the examination, advice, or treatment by a licensed physician or pharmacist. No replies to any individual questions shall be effected through the articles.

Kambra Clifford